10 research outputs found

    Finally, a Polymorphic Linear Algebra Language (Pearl)

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    Many different data analytics tasks boil down to linear algebra primitives. In practice, for each different type of workload, data scientists use a particular specialised library. In this paper, we present Pilatus, a polymorphic iterative linear algebra language, applicable to various types of data analytics workloads. The design of this domain-specific language (DSL) is inspired by both mathematics and programming languages: its basic constructs are borrowed from abstract algebra, whereas the key technology behind its polymorphic design uses the tagless final approach (a.k.a. polymorphic embedding/object algebras). This design enables us to change the behaviour of arithmetic operations to express matrix algebra, graph algorithms, logical probabilistic programs, and differentiable programs. Crucially, the polymorphic design of Pilatus allows us to use multi-stage programming and rewrite-based optimisation to recover the performance of specialised code, supporting fixed sized matrices, algebraic optimisations, and fusion

    super-Charging Object-Oriented Programming Through Precise Typing of Open Recursion (Artifact)

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    This artifact consists of an SBT project with a Scala implementation of the MLscript programming language extended with "super-charged" object-oriented programming features (SuperOOP), introduced in the corresponding paper. We provide a test suite that includes SuperOOP examples and a web demo that gives live typing and running results of the user input source

    super-Charging Object-Oriented Programming Through Precise Typing of Open Recursion

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    We present a new variation of object-oriented programming built around three simple and orthogonal constructs: classes for storing object state, interfaces for expressing object types, and mixins for reusing and overriding implementations. We show that the latter can be made uniquely expressive by leveraging a novel feature that we call precisely-typed open recursion. This features uses "this" and "super" annotations to express the requirements of any given partial method implementation on the types of respectively the current object and the inherited definitions. Crucially, the fact that mixins do not introduce types nor subtyping relationships means they can be composed even when the overriding and overridden methods have incomparable types. Together with advanced type inference and structural typing support provided by the MLscript programming language, we show that this enables an elegant and powerful solution to the Expression Problem

    Quoted Staged Rewriting: A Practical Approach to Library-Defined Optimizations

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    Staging has proved a successful technique for programmatically removing code abstractions, thereby allowing for faster program execution while retaining a high-level interface for the programmer. Unfortunately, techniques based on staging suffer from a number of problems — ranging from practicalities to fundamental limitations — which have prevented their widespread adoption. We introduce Quoted Staged Rewriting (QSR), an approach that uses type-safe, pattern matching-enabled quasiquotes to define optimizations. The approach is “staged” in two ways: first, rewrite rules can execute arbitrary code during pattern matching and code reconstruction, leveraging the power and flexibility of staging; second, library designers can orchestrate the application of successive rewriting phases (stages). The advantages of using quasiquote-based rewriting are that library designers never have to deal directly with the intermediate representation (IR), and that it allows for non-intrusive optimizations — in contrast with staging, it is not necessary to adapt the entire library and user programs to accommodate optimizations. We show how Squid, a Scala macro-based framework, enables QSR and renders library-defined optimizations more practical than ever before: library designers write domain-specific optimizers that users invoke transparently on delimited portions of their code base. As a motivating example we describe an implementation of stream fusion (a well-known deforestation technique) that is both simpler and more powerful than the state of the art, and can readily be used by Scala programmers with no knowledge of metaprogramming

    A Practical Unification of Multi-stage Programming and Macros

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    Program generation is indispensable. We propose a novel unification of two existing metaprogramming techniques: multi-stage programming and hygienic generative macros. The former supports runtime code generation and execution in a type-safe manner while the latter offers compile-time code generation. In this work we draw upon a long line of research on metaprogramming, starting with Lisp, MetaML and MetaOCaml. We provide direct support for quotes, splices and top-level splices, all regulated uniformly by a level-counting Phase Consistency Principle. Our design enables the construction and combination of code values for both expressions and types. Moreover, code generation can happen either at runtime Ă  la MetaML or at compile time, in a macro fashion, Ă  la MacroML. We provide an implementation of our design in Scala and we present two case studies. The first implements the Hidden Markov Model, Shonan Challenge for HPC. The second implements the staged streaming library Strymonas

    How to Architect a Query Compiler

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    This paper studies architecting query compilers. The state of the art in query compiler construction is lagging behind that in the compilers field. We attempt to remedy this by exploring the key causes of technical challenges in need of well founded solutions, and by gathering the most relevant ideas and approaches from the PL and compilers communities for easy digestion by database researchers. All query compilers known to us are more or less monolithic template expanders that do the bulk of the compilation task in one large leap. Such systems are hard to build and maintain. We propose to use a stack of multiple DSLs on different levels of abstraction with lowering in multiple steps to make query compilers easier to build and extend, ultimately allowing us to create more convincing and sustainable compiler-based data management systems. We attempt to derive our advice for creating such DSL stacks from widely acceptable principles. We have also re-created a well-known query compiler following these ideas and report on this effort

    The Simple Essence of Algebraic Subtyping: Principal Type Inference with Subtyping Made Easy

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    MLsub extends traditional Hindley-Milner type inference with subtyping while preserving compact principal types, an exciting new development. However, its specification in terms of biunification is difficult to understand, relying on the new concepts of bisubstitution and polar types, and making use of advanced notions from abstract algebra. In this paper, we show that these are in fact not essential to understanding the mechanisms at play in MLsub. We propose an alternative algorithm called Simple-sub, which can be implemented efficiently in under 500 lines of code (including parsing, simplification, and pretty-printing), looks more familiar, and is easier to understand. We present an experimental evaluation of Simple-sub against MLsub on a million randomly-generated well-scoped expressions, showing that the two systems agree. The mutable automaton-based implementation of MLsub is quite far from its algebraic specification, leaving a lot of space for errors; in fact, our evaluation uncovered several bugs in it. We sketch more straightforward soundness and completeness arguments for Simple-sub, based on a syntactic specification of the type system. This paper is meant to be light in formalism, rich in insights, and easy to consume for prospective designers of new type systems and programming languages. In particular, no abstract algebra is inflicted on readers

    Type-Safe Metaprogramming and Compilation Techniques For Designing Efficient Systems in High-Level Languages

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    Software engineering practices have been steadily moving towards higher-level programming languages and away from lower-level ones. High-level languages tend to greatly improve safety, productivity, and code maintainability because they handle various implementation details automatically, allowing programmers to focus on their problem domains. However, the gains offered by high-level languages are usually made at the cost of reduced performance: higher-level languages usually consume more memory, run more slowly and require expensive garbage-collecting runtime systems. This trend has been worsening with the increasing adoption of the functional programming paradigm by the industry. Modern programmers are thus faced with a dilemma: should they favor productivity and lower maintenance costs at the expense of performance, or should they focus on performance, to the detriments of almost everything else? The main idea behind this thesis is that we can help solve this dilemma by making advances in type systems, metaprogramming, and compilers technology. In particular, we study how metaprogramming via statically-typed quasiquotation can let programmers define their own domain-specific optimizations in a safe way, while leveraging the latest advances in intermediate program representations. We present the design and implementation of the Squid metaprogramming framework, which extends the Scala programming language with multi-staged programming capabilities and more. We also present different application examples for Squid, including a polymorphic yet efficient library for linear algebra, a stream fusion engine improving on the state of the art, a demonstration of query compilation by rewriting, a staged SQL database system prototype, and a new embedded domain-specific language for expressing queries over collections of data

    Towards Improved GADT Reasoning in Scala

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    Generalized algebraic data types (GADT) have been notoriously difficult to implement correctly in Scala. Both major Scala compilers, Scalac and Dotty, are currently known to have type soundness holes related to them. In particular, covariant GADTs have exposed paradoxes due to Scala's inheritance model. We informally explore foundations for GADTs within Scala's core type system, to guide a principled understanding and implementation of GADTs in Scala